Medea – Kammeroper Detmold
The human phenomenon of giving back as you were giving is already very present in Greek mythology. Again and again one comes across questionable elements – righteous rage, moral vengeance, death retribution. Elements that are present in the life of every single person even after more than 2000 years – whether in a big, world-shaking style, or in a very small family drama – revenge and retribution are everywhere. This is also what “Medea” deals with, here set to melodrama by Jirí Benda.
Direction: Ruben Michael
Performance: Paula Niehoff
Musical direction: Annalena Hösel
Musical assistance: Tim Hüttenmeister
Scenography: Luka Patzelt
Orchestra: Kammeroper Detmold
Premiere: 25.10.2020 – Hangar 21 Detmold
In 50 minutes these philosophical topics are questioned. Can vengeance be fair? Can murder be legitimized? Is the „eye-for-an-eye“ guide more advanced than we are at times? With the dancer Paula Niehoff in the title and only role, the evening promises an extraordinary aesthetic mixture of opera, drama and dance.