Ode an die Dinge
Ode an die Dinge
„I love all things, not because they are passionate or sweet-smelling but because, I don’t know, because this ocean is yours…“
Pablo Neruda.
Old records, porcelain, an old telephone – things that tell stories, define us, develop a life of their own and raise questions.
In ‚Ode an die Dinge‘ two dancers devote themselves in their very personal way the ‚things‘. A gentle, fragile dealing as opposed to stormy, passionate twirling of the body and scenery.
Some things we can touch – some we can’t. Some things touch us – some don’t. The stage constantly reshapes itself with and through the numerous objects, turns into a wonderland, a living room or the utter chaos.
In a humorous way, the two dancers get involved with the ‚things‘ and take the audience with them on a journey through strange absurdities and poetic devotion to our (im)material companions.
Artistic direction & performance: Paula Niehoff & Laura Saumweber
Composition: Florian Sonnleitner
Dramaturgy & Co-direction: Martha Kröger
Light Design: Ingo Jooß
Production Management: Natalie Knappik
Pictures: Maciej Schwarz
Duration: 55 minute
Premiere: 29.04.22 HochX Theater Munich
Upcoming: 02.03 & 03.032023 Einstein Kultur MünchenTickets: https://www.eventim-light.com/de/a/63beac71d6b98e4acc0d7097
19.10.23 Kulturzentrum Luise München
22.10.23 Kulturhaus Pelkovenschlössl München